Welcome to Abertax Technologies

Abertax Technologies is a world leader in its field, with a classic approach to business; our working partnerships with our customers
are extremely important to us. The integrity of our products and how we design and manufacture them is fundamental; when Abertax
was founded in 1999 we pledged to only offer products which were innovative, responded intelligently to the demands of modern
industry, and yet complemented and supported the environment.

It's a matter of immense pride to the Abertax Technologies team that we have held fast to these values for over a decade.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Pankanyor Foundation

Abertax in 2013 sponsors Anni Rolf from Gordonstone School to travel to Thailand for the Pankanyor Foundation. The Pankanyor Foundation  has so far helped 120 villages in Thailand get clean water from a source into water storage tanks. They rely completely on voluntuary workers and as such we helped Anni to achieve to money she needed to travel there. We are also proud to have donated 40 of our Abertax Water Valves to the project which we believe were well received, liked and are coming in extremely useful when water levels in the tanks need topping up from the source.

For more information on the project go to:
  • http://www.gordonstoun.org.uk/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=1818&cntnt01returnid=332
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xs5_JTEsuA
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI-K_xqdNfM